
API Info


Welcome to the Warrior+Plus API documentation. We cover our API endpoints, how to access the API, how to handle errors and give examples of the information returned. On the left side, you can find the category or action you may be trying to perform in the API and clcik on it to get more information.

You can use the API currently to get information about Sales, Products, Offers, Affiliates, Affiliate Requests, Partners, Customers, Payments, and Purchases.


Warrior+Plus uses an API Key along with any submitted request to authenticate you to get information from the site. You can get an API Key on this page.

Your API key is a randomly generated string of characters. You can request a key under My Account -> API Key or visiting here:

Warrior+Plus will expect a valid API key along with any request, and this key will be submitted under the apiKey parameter. Note: Notice the capital K in apiKey. Requests submitted without one will be denied and return an error. Errors are defined/explained at the end of this documentation under the “Errors” subheading.


            "message":"Error message describing the error code"

Warrior+Plus uses some standard API responses based on what you are requesting, and some specific ones. Our errors are structured like the code on the right. Below is a table of generic messages we may return depending on what has gone wrong.

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request was bad.
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong or wasn’t provided.
429 Too Many Requests – You’re submitting requests too fast. Slown down! You will normally get an error such as “Please try again after few seconds”.
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.
invalid_starting_after Invalid value for the starting_after record for next page. Check that you aren’t at the end of the record list, and has_more was true for the previous set of records you accessed.
invalid_ending_before Invalid value for the ending_before record for previous page.
invalid_pagination Both of starting_after and ending_before cannot be given together.
invalid_limit Invalid value for the number of records queried - the limit value you provided was too high.
invalid_product Invalid value for the product code, most likely not provided in the product_prodid format.
invalid_offer Invalid value for the offer code, most likely not provided in the offer_offerid format.
invalid_sale Invalid value for the sale code, most likely not provided in the sale_saleid format.
invalid_affiliate Invalid value for the affiliate code, most likely not provided in the affiliate_affid format.
invalid_partner Invalid value for the partner code, most likely not provided in the partner_partnerid format.
invalid_customer Invalid value for the customer code, most likely not provided in the cus_customerid format.
invalid_payment Invalid value for the payment code, most likely not provided in the pay_payid format.
invalid_email Invalid value for the customer email, most likely not provided in standard email format, or the paramter name was wrong.
invalid_key Invalid query string paramaters used to query the API.
empty_dataname_data This error can be returned if there is no data for a certain API key and filter (such as sale ID, customer ID, offer ID, etc) provided. dataname in the error will refer to the type of data being queried.


Lists are used often in the objects that are returned by the API. You can be returned a list of sales, products, affiliates or almost any other endpoint that exists. The standard structure for defining the presence of a list is below, and you will see this as the information returned, with the list in the data attribute of the return information.

Check each endpoint to see if it returns a list, or an object of a certain type.

List Return Structure

Parameter Description Value(s)/Formats
success True or false depending on request status 1 (true) or 0 (false)
object The type of object list
uri The endpoint request was sent to URL path
has_more Whether there are paginated records to fetch after this dataset. See pagination for information on paging through records. True or false
data An array of objects of a certain type Depends on object.

Object lists are returned in the data attribute. For endpoints that return a single object, you can view the specific object definition under it’s respective heading under the Methods area of the documentation, in order to see what data will be returned and the meaning of each parameter.


By default, records that are returned in lists will be returned in record sets of 10, unless you specify otherwise using any of these pagination variables. These can be used with any of the standard endpoints that return a list of objects under their ‘data’ attribute. View each object and endpoint to see a detailed breakdown of the objects included in these lists, depending on what data you are accessing using the API.

Pagination parameters are included as data parameters in your request to the appropriate endpoint. If a list object is returned that is paged, and has_more is true like in the example below, including the last item ID of the dataset in the starting_after with your next request will yield the next page – or the first item ID of the previous dataset in the ending_before parameter – will get the previous page of results for your next request.

    "data": [ 

Pagination parameters

Parameter Description
limit (optional) Number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100 items. Default is 10, if not included.
starting_after (optional) A cursor for use in pagination. starting_after is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with obj_foo, your subsequent call can include starting_after=obj_foo in order to fetch the next page of the list.
ending_before (optional) A cursor for use in pagination. ending_before is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with obj_bar, your subsequent call can include ending_before=obj_bar in order to fetch the previous page of the list.



The sales endpoint is used to retrieve information about a sale or multiple sales. There are multiple endpoints and ways to get information about a sale. In general, sales returned will have customer information (a customer object), possible affiliate information (affiliate objects) and recurring product information, a list of partner information (partner objects) and a list of payments (payment objects) that are related to the sale.

You can use the sale endpoint to get a list of sales, get a specific sale, get the payments for a sale, or get the partners for a sale.

The Sale Object

This is the sale object

         "created":"2015-01-02 15:27:02",



The sale object is a collection of information about a sale, as well as four other objects. A custom object, affiliate object, partner object and payment object. The partners and payments are returned as lists under the data attribute. You can check the Lists section to see how lists are structured.

Object Parameters

Parameter Description Value(s)/Formats
object The type of object sale
id The sale_id of sale, this can be used in other endpoints and calls sale_idnum
created Time the sale was created in our system Timestamp
product_id The product_id that the sale was for product_idnum
amount The amount in dollars and cents for the sale 25.00, 52.00, etc.
currency The currency of the sale USD
status Status of the sale Completed, Refunded
refund_date Date refund was issued Tiemstamp
receiver_email Email of receiver, if there is one Email address
sid Button tracking code Text string
hop_tid Hop TrackID (vendor link) Text string
hop_sid Hop SubID (vendor link) Text string
customer Customer object of customer for this sale See customer object
affiliate Affiliate object of affiliate(s) for this sale See affiliate object
recurring Recurring product information Array
partners data attribute contains a list of partner objects of partners for this sale See partner object
payments data attribute contains a list of payment objects for this sale See payment object

Get A List Of Sales

This endpoint returns a list of sale objects like the one below:

         "created":"2015-01-02 15:27:02",

                  "created":"2015-01-02 15:27:04",

This endpoint will retrieve a list of sale objects for a certain account based on the API key provided. You can also provide any optional parameters to further filter the results based on offer ID, product ID, or both.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey
offer (optional) Paramater included in request in the offer_offerid format - this will filter sales returned to be for this offer. Ex: offer_abc123.
product (optional) Paramater included in request in the product_prodid format - this will filter sales returned to be for this product Ex: product_tzy8275.


An array of sale objects under the data attribute. See the sale object for a definition.

Get a Specific Sale By ID

This endpoint returns a sale object for the specified ID like the one below:

    "created":"2014-07-07 17:00:23",



This endpoint retrieves information about a specific sale ID, and returns a simple sale object instead of a list of objects.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey.
saleID Structured into request URL in sale_saleid format.


A sale object. See the sale object.

Get Payments For a Sale

This endpoint returns a list of payment objects like the one below:

                "created":"2015-01-22 14:00:08",

This endpoint retrieves the payments for a specific sale ID.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey.
saleID Structured into request URL in sale_saleid format.
payments Structured into request URL like example above.


A list of payment objects under the data attribute | See the payment object or the example on the right.

Get Partners For a Sale

This endpoint returns a list of partner objects like the one below:

            "created":"2014-03-26 10:56:28",
                       "partner contract":"objects"

This endpoint retrieves the partners for a specific sale ID.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Default Type Description
apiKey N/A Request Your valid apiKey
saleID N/A URL Param Request URL includes the sale ID


A list of partner objects under the data attribute. See the partner object or the example on the right.


The products endpoint is used to retrieve information about products that are in your account. You can get a list of all your products, or a specific product.

The Product Object

This is the product object

        "created":"2015-01-15 16:03:03",
        "name":"Test Product Name",

The product object provides information such as the ID of the product, type of product, support information, sale information and earnings data.

Object Parameters

Parameter Description Value(s)/Formats
object The type of object product
id The productID of product, this can be used in other endpoints to get product specific information product_prodid
created Time the product was created in our system Timestamp
name Name of the product Text string
sale_type Buy Now or Subscription Buy or Subscription
support_email The support email for the product Email Address
support_url The support URL for the product URL
refund_period Amount of days this product can be refunded for Integer
status Status of the product Active, inactive, disabled, pending
sale_cnt Number of sales product has Integer
refund_cnt Number of refunds product has Integer
gross_earnings Gross earnings for the product Two Digit Float
product_meta Meta info about the product, keywords are the product keywords, allow_affilites is 0 for false or 1 for true, and is_public is 0 for if it is not shown in public product lists and 1 if it is.

Get All Products

This endpoint returns a list of product objects like the one below:

               "created":"2015-01-15 16:03:03",
               "name":"Test Product Name",

This endpoint will retrieve all the products for a vendor based on the API key that is provided.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey


A list of product objects under the data attribute. For a definition, see the product object.

Get A Specific Product

This endpoint returns a product object like the one below:

        "created":"2015-01-15 16:03:03",
        "name":"Test Product",

This endpoint will retrieve the information for a product based on a product ID you provide.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey
product Structured into request URL in product_prodid format


A product object. For a definition, see the product object.


The offers endpoint is used to retrieve information about offers that are in your account. You can retrieve a list of offers, a single offer, pages that are a part of an offer, a specific page, and products for a page.

The Offer Object

This is the offers object

      "created":"2014-07-07 12:01:13",
      "name":"Test Offer",
      "start_date":"2014-07-07 12:01:00",


The offer object provides information such as the offerID, date the offer was creatd, name and dates of the offer, sale information and sales data. It also can contain a list of page objects under the pages parameter. The full definitions are below.

Object Parameters

Parameter Description Value(s)/Formats
object The type of object offer
id The offerID of sale, this can be used in other endpoints and calls offer_offeridnum
created Time the offer was created in our system Timestamp
name Name of the offer Text string
start_date Timestamp the offer starts (becomes live to purchase) Timestamp or null
end_date Timestamp the offer ends (can’t be purchased) Timestamp or null
status Status of the sale Active, inactive, disabled
sale_cnt Number of sales this offer has Integer
refund_cnt Number of refunds this offer has Integer
aggregate_sales Sales minus refunds Two digit float
offer_meta Extra information about the offer. allow_affiliates:1 if yes, 0 if no. is_public:1 if shown in lists and for requests, 0 if no. approval_status:Status of the offer, can be approved, denied, or null.
pages A list of page objects with the list under the data attribute See page object

The Page Object

This is the page object

      "name":"Upsell Page",
      "created":"2014-07-07 12:01:31",

The page object offers information about a page, and includes a page ID, name of the page, location of the page, as well as a list of product objects that contain the products the page offers. You can see the full definitions for the object below.

Object Parameters

Parameter Description Value(s)/Formats
object The type of object page
id The pageID of page, this can be used in other endpoints and calls page_pageidnum
name Name of the page Text string
page_url URL where the page is located URL
created Time the page was created in our system Timestamp
offer offerID that the page belongs to offer_offeridnum
products A list of product objects that exist on this page See product object

Get All Offers

This endpoint returns a list of offer objects like the one below:

                "created":"2014-07-07 12:01:13",
                "name":"Test Offer",
                "start_date":"2014-07-07 12:01:00",
                            "name":"Main page",
                            "created":"2014-07-07 12:01:13",
                                        "created":"2014-03-06 16:07:22",
                                        "name":"PLATINUM PRODUCT",

This endpoint will retrieve all the offers for a certain account based on the API key provided.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey


A list of offer objects under the data attribute. Each offer object also contains a list of page objects, which has a list of product objects. For a full definition of an offer object, see the offer object.

Get A Specific Offer

This endpoint returns an offer object like the one below:

        "created":"2014-07-07 12:01:13",
        "name":"Final Deal Offer Test",
        "start_date":"2014-07-07 12:01:00",
                    "created":"2014-07-15 13:18:09",
                                "created":"2014-03-14 17:14:43",
                                "name":"Upsell Site Access",

This endpoint will retrieve the information for an offer based on an offer ID you provide.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey
offerID Structured into request URL in offer_offerid format


An offer object corresponding to the submitted offerID URL parameter. For a definition, see the offer object.

Get Pages For an Offer

This endpoint returns a list of page objects like the one below:

                "created":"2014-07-15 13:18:09",
                            "created":"2014-03-14 17:14:43",
                            "name":"Upsell Site Access",

This endpoint will retrieve the pages of an offer based on an offer ID you provide.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey
offerID Structured into request URL in offer_offerid format


A list of page objects corresponding to the submitted offerID URL parameter. For a definition, see the page object.

Get A Specific Page From Offer

This endpoint returns a page object like the one below:

        "name":"Upsell Page",
        "created":"2014-07-07 12:01:31",
                    "created":"2014-03-14 17:14:43",
                    "name":"Upsell Site Access",

This endpoint will retrieve the information for a page within an offer based on an offer ID and page ID you provide.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey
offerID Structured into request URL in offer_offerid format
pages Structured into request URL as above
pageID Structured into request URL in page_pageid format


An page object corresponding to the submitted offerID and pageID URL parameters. For a definition, see the page object.

Get Products For Page In an Offer

This endpoint returns a list of product objects like the one below:

                "created":"2014-03-14 17:14:43",
                "name":"Upsell Site Access",

This endpoint will retrieve the products that are on a page, within an offer, based on an offer ID and page ID you provide.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey
offerID Structured into request URL in offer_offerid format. The offer ID you wish to filter for.
pages Structured into request URL as above.
pageID Structured into request URL in page_pageid format. This is the page ID you wish to filter for.
products Structured into request URL


A list of product objects corresponding to the submitted offerID, and pageID URL parameters. For a full definition, see the product object.


The affiliates endpoint is used to retrieve information about affiliates and requests that your account has.

The Affiliate Object

This is the affiliate object

        "created":"2014-11-03 13:06:22",
        "affiliate_name":"Affiliate Name",
                       "name":"Affiliate Name",
                    "created":"2015-01-22 14:10:23",
                       "name":"Test Offer",
                       "start_date":"2014-07-07 12:01:00",
                       "vendor_name":"Vendor Name",

The affiliate object provides information about an affiliate. It provides account information such as their username, name and date they became an affiliate, as well as the amount of offers they’re approved, denied for, and the amount of sales and gross earnings they’ve sent. It also contains a list of affiliate request objects under the affiliate_requests parameter.

Object Parameters

Parameter Description Value(s)/Formats
object The type of object affiliate
id The affiliateID of this affiliate, this can be used to get specific affiliate information aff_affiliateidnum
created Time the sale was created in our system Timestamp
affiliate_username WarriorPlus username of affiliate Text string
affiliate_name Name of the affiliate Text string
cnt_approved Count of offers and products this affiliate is approved for Integer
cnt_pending Count of offers and products this affiliate has pending requests for Integer
cnt_denied Count of offers and products thi affiliate has been denied for Integer
sale_cnt Total number of sales this affiliate has driven Integer
sale_revenue Gross revenue this affiliate has driven Two decimal float
refund_cnt Total number of refunds this affiliate’s sales have had Integer
pending_refund_cnt Total number of refunds that aren’t processed, but are pending to be processed for this affiliate’s sales Integer
affiliate_requests List of affiliate request objects for this affiliate See affiliate request object

Get All Affiliates

This endpoint returns a list of affiliate objects like the one below:

            "created":"2014-11-03 13:06:22",
                           "name":"Affiliate Name",
                        "created":"2015-01-22 14:10:23",
                           "name":"Test Offer",
                           "start_date":"2014-07-07 12:01:00",
                           "vendor_name":"Vendor Name",

This endpoint will retrieve all the affiliates for a certain API key, paginated into affiliate objects in paginated records of 10.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey


A list of affiliate objects corresponding to the account of the submitted apiKey. For a definition, see the affiliate object.

Get A Specific Affiliate

This endpoint returns an affiliate object like the one below:

    "created":"2014-11-03 13:06:22",
                    "name":"Affiliate Name",
                "created":"2015-01-22 14:10:23",
                    "name":"Test Offer",
                    "start_date":"2014-07-07 12:01:00",
                    "vendor_name":"Vendor Name",

This endpoint will retrieve an affiliate object for the specified affiliate ID included in the endpoint URL.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey
affiliateID Structured in URL like example above. This is the affiliate ID of the affiliate you wish to get a record for.


An affiliate object corresponding to the submitted affiliateID URL param. For a definition, see the affiliate object.

Affiliate Requests

The affiliate requests endpoint is used to retrieve information about affiliate requests that your account has.

The Affiliate Request Object

This is the affiliate request object:

            "name":"Affiliate Name",
       "created":"2015-01-22 14:10:23",
            "name":"Test Offer",
            "start_date":"2014-07-07 12:01:00",
            "vendor_name":"Vendor Name",

The affiliate request object provides information about an affiliate request in the system. It is for an offer and provides you with the name, and status information about the affiliate. It also gives you the date the request was made, and the affiliate ID of the affiliate that the request belongs to.

Object Parameters

Parameter Description Value(s)/Formats
object The type of object affiliate_request
id The affiliaterequestID of this affiliate request affreq_reqid123
affiliate Affiliate information Array
bonus_url Affiliate's bonus URL URL
created Time the request was created in our system Timestamp
contact_email Email of affiliate, if consented Email address
notes Affiliate note Text string
offer Offer information Array
promote_url Notes the affiliate left when making request Text string
status Status of the affiliate request ACTIVE, BANNED, DENIED, PAUSED, REQUEST

Get Affiliate Requests

This endpoint returns a list of affiliate request objects like the one below:

                "name":"Affiliate Name",
            "created":"2015-01-22 14:10:23",
                "name":"Test Offer",
                "start_date":"2014-07-07 12:01:00",
                "vendor_name":"Vendor Name",

This endpoint will retrieve all the affiliate requests for a certain account based on the API key provided.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey


A list of affiliate request objects corresponding to the account of the submitted apiKey. For a definition, see the affiliate request object.

Get A Specific Affiliate Request

This endpoint returns affiliate request object for a specified affiliate request ID like the one below:

        "name":"Affiliate Name",
    "created":"2015-01-22 14:10:23",
        "name":"Test Offer",
        "start_date":"2014-07-07 12:01:00",
        "vendor_name":"Vendor Name",

This endpoint will retrieve information for a certain affiliate request based on the API key and affiliate request ID provided.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey
affiliaterequestID Structured in URL in the affreq_reqid123 format like above. This is the affiliate request ID of the affiliate request you wish to get a record for.


A affiliate request object corresponding to the affiliaterequestID that was submitted. For a definition, see the affiliate request object.


The partners endpoint retrieves information about your account’s JV contracts and partners in thise contracts.

The Partner Object

This is the partner object

    "created":"2014-03-26 10:56:28",
                "name":"Upsell Site Access",
                "start_date":"2014-04-18 00:00:00",
                "end_date":"2015-04-29 23:59:59",
                "created":"2014-03-31 11:56:27",

The partner object gives you information about a JV partner for one of your offer or listings. It includes their username, name, amount they’ve earned, and a list of partner contract objects under the partner_contracts attribute.

Object Parameters

Parameter Description Value(s)/Formats
object The type of object partner
id The partnerID of this partner, this can be used to get specific partner information partner_partneridnum
partner_username WarriorPlus username of partner Text string
partner_name Name of the partner Text string
email Email address of the partner Email
created Time the sale was created in our system Timestamp
earnings Gross earnings total for this partner Two decimal float
partner_contracts List of partner contract objects for this partner See partner contract object

The Partner Contract Object

This is the partner contract object

    "name":"Upsell Site Access",
    "start_date":"2014-04-18 00:00:00",
    "end_date":"2015-04-29 23:59:59",
    "created":"2014-03-31 11:56:27",

The partner contract object offers you information about a specific contract that a partner has with your account. It tells you whether it is a product, or an offer, the dates of the contract, amount that has been earned, sales data, the partnerID the contract is for, and the contract’s status.

Object Parameters

Parameter Description Value(s)/Formats
object The type of object partner
id The partnercontractID of this partner contract, this can be used to get specific contract information jv_contractidnum
product The productID of the product this contract is for, this can be used to get specific product information product_prodidnum
name Name of the product the contract is for Text string
type Whether this is for a product or an offer Offer or Product
start_date Date the contract becomes active Timestamp
end_date Date the contract becomes expired Timestamp
earnings Earnings for this contract Two digit float
sales Number of sales this contract has generated Integer
partner The partnerID of the partner this contract is for, this can be used to get specific partner information partner_partneridnum
created Time the contract was created in our system Timestamp
status Status of the contract Active, Pending, Cancelled, Expired

Get All Partners

This endpoint returns a list of partner objects like the one below:

            "created":"2014-03-26 10:56:28",
                        "name":"Upsell Site Access",
                        "start_date":"2014-04-18 00:00:00",
                        "end_date":"2015-04-29 23:59:59",
                        "created":"2014-03-31 11:56:27",

This endpoint will retrieve all the partners for a certain account based on the API key provided.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey


A list of partner objects corresponding to the account of the submitted apiKey. For a definition, see the partner object.

Get A Specific Partner

This endpoint returns a partner object like the one below:

    "created":"2014-03-26 10:56:28",
                "name":"Upsell Site Access",
                "start_date":"2014-04-18 00:00:00",
                "end_date":"2015-04-29 23:59:59",
                "created":"2014-03-31 11:56:27",

This endpoint will retrieve the partner object for the specified partner ID.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey
partnerID Structured in URL in the partner_partnerid format like above. This is the partner ID of the partner you wish to get a record for.


A partner object corresponding to the submitted partnerID. For a definition, see the partner object.

Get JV Contracts For A Partner

This endpoint returns a list of partner_contract objects like the one below:

            "name":"Upsell Site Access",
            "start_date":"2014-04-18 00:00:00",
            "end_date":"2015-04-29 23:59:59",
            "created":"2014-03-31 11:56:27",

This endpoint will retrieve the partner contracts that partners have with you, for the specified partner ID.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey
partnerID Structured in URL in the partner_partnerid format like above. This is the partner ID of the partner you wish to get a record for.
partner_contracts Structured into URL like example endpoint above.


A list of partner contract objects corresponding to the submitted partnerID. For a definition, see the partner contract object.


The customers endpoint allows you to look up information about customers that you have sold items to based on customer information you provide.

The Customer Object

This is the customer object

        "name":"Customer Name",

The customer object offers you the ID of the customer, and their contact information, such as name, email and country code.

Object Parameters

Parameter Description Value(s)/Formats
object The type of object customer
id The customerID of this customer, this can be used to get specific customer information cus_cusidnum
email The email address of the customer Email
name Name of the customer Text string
country Country code of the customer Abbreviation

Get Customers

This endpoint returns a list of customer objects like the one below:

            "name":"Customer Name",

This endpoint will retrieve all the customers for a certain account based on the API key provided. You can also provide any optional parameters to further filter the results.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey
email (optional) Returns only customers associated with this email address.


A list of customer objects corresponding to the account of the submitted apiKey, unless an email is included, in which case it returns a list of customers that have that email address. For a definition, see the customer object.

Get A Specific Customer

This endpoint returns a customer object like the one below:


This endpoint will retrieve all the customers for a certain account based on the API key provided.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey
customerID Structured in URL in the cus_customerid format like above. This is the customer ID of the customer you wish to get a record for.


A customer object corresponding to the submitted customerID. For a definition, see the customer object.


The payments endpoint can return a list of payments received or information about a certain payment.

The Payment Object

This is the payment object:

       "created":"2015-01-22 14:10:23",

The payment object offers information about a specific payment made in the system. It will show you whether it was made via credit card or PayPal, the transaction ID of the transaction (txn_id parameter), paymentID of the payment (id parameter), amount the payment was for, currency, the saleID that the payment belongs to, date of the payment and status of the payment.

Object Parameters

Parameter Description Value(s)/Formats
object The type of object payment
id The paymentID of this payment, this can be used to get specific payment information pay_paymentidnum
txn_id Transaction ID of the payment for the processor Random alphanumeric string
amount Amount of the payment Two digit decimal
currency Currency for the payment USD
sale_id Sale ID the payment belongs to sale_saleidnum
created Timestamp the payment was created in the system Timestamp
status Status of the payment Completed or Refunded

Get Payments

This endpoint returns a list of payment objects like the one below:

            "created":"2015-01-22 14:10:23",

This endpoint will retrieve all the payments for a certain account based on the API key provided.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey


A list of payment objects corresponding to the account of the submitted apiKey. For a definition, see the payment object.

Get A Specific Payment

This endpoint returns payment object for a specified payment ID like the one below:

    "created":"2015-01-22 14:10:23",

This endpoint will retrieve information for a certain payment based on the API key and payment ID provided.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey
paymentID Structured in URL in the pay_paymentid format like above. This is the payment ID of the payment you wish to get a record for.


A payment object corresponding to the paymentID that was submitted. For a definition, see the payment object.


The purchases endpoint can return a list of purchases or information about a certain purchase.

The Purchase Object

This is the purchase object:

       "created":"2015-01-22 14:10:23",

            "name":"Product name",
            "vendor_name":"Vendor Name",

The purchase object offers information about a specific purchase made in the system. It will show you product information, access URL, amount the purchase was for, currency, the purchaseID that the purchase belongs to, date of the purchase and status of the purchase.

Object Parameters

Parameter Description Value(s)/Formats
object The type of object purchase
id The PurchaseID of this purchase, this can be used to get specific purchase information sale_purchaseid
access_url URL of the purchase access page URL
amount Amount of the purchase Two digit decimal
created Time the purchase was created in our system Timestamp
currency Currency for the purchase USD
payments data attribute contains a list of payment objects for this sale See payment object
product Product information Array
recurring Recurring product information Array
refund_date Date refund was issued Timestamp
status Status of the purchase Completed or Refunded

Get Purchases

This endpoint returns a list of purchase objects like the one below:

            "created":"2015-01-22 14:10:23",
                     "created":"2015-01-02 15:27:04",
               "name":"Product name",
               "vendor_name":"Vendor Name",

This endpoint will retrieve all the purchases for a certain account based on the API key provided.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey


A list of purchase objects corresponding to the account of the submitted apiKey. For a definition, see the purchase object.

Get A Specific Purchase

This endpoint returns purchase object for a specified purchase ID like the one below:

    "created":"2015-01-22 14:10:23",
                "created":"2015-01-02 15:27:04",
        "name":"Product name",
        "vendor_name":"Vendor Name",

This endpoint will retrieve information for a certain purchase based on the API key and purchase ID provided.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
apiKey Your valid apiKey
purchaseID Structured in URL in the sale_purchaseid format like above. This is the purchase ID of the purchase you wish to get a record for.


A purchase object corresponding to the purchaseID that was submitted. For a definition, see the purchase object.