Finally... the entire package of Licensing and Enhanced Resell Rights Too Much?

We understand. Why not just grab the enhanced resell rights instead?

Not everyone focuses on affiliate marketing....

Sometimes people just want to resell and keep 100% of the profits instead!

But what if the resold blueprint ALSO included YOUR affiliate links as well?

Here's how you can benefit...

... by Investing In *Enhanced* Resell Rights To This Product ... Selling This Blueprint Yourself... and Keeping 100% of the Profits!

Thank you Hey there,

Thank you for your investment! You will soon have in your hands an extremely powerful blueprint... and we bet you're now wondering to yourself...

"Jeepers self, what would make this even BETTER?"

So glad you asked!

Because you have checked out our "Personal Marketing Blueprint: Your Fast Track to Coaching Authority and Profits" blueprint, we want to offer you Enhanced Resell Rights ...sell it yourself and keep 100% of the profits...... and even gain a chance for recurring income as well!

It's very simple, actually.

You can invest in the Enhanced Resell Rights version of this blueprint.

Not only can you sell it yourself and keep 100% of the profits...

... you can ALSO embed YOUR affiliate links to OUR recurring affiliate offers!

Dennis and Barb
Barb Ling and Dennis Becker here again...

And did you know we offer not only one of the best, most affordable group coaching available BUT...

We ALSO offer over 400 training videos in our Essential Basics for Marketers recurring offer?

Here, check it out:

Dennis and Barb Group Coaching

Group Coaching


Dennis and Barb Essential Marketing Basics

Essential Skills

We include direct access to the sales page for all buyers in the "Personal Marketing Blueprint: Your Fast Track to Coaching Authority and Profits" Appendix Resources...

And when you invest in the Enhanced Resell Rights, you'll receive the enhanced version of the blueprint...

That means when people buy through your affiliate link, YOU get the commissions!

In other words...

We've Done The Work For You!

100% When you invest in the *enhanced* reselling rights, not only will you gain a powerfully revelant blueprint that you can sell on your own and keep 100% of the commissions...

... you'll ALSO have a chance of earning recurring commissions should a buyer invest in the Group Coaching and/or Essential Marketing Skills at the end of the report!

Can't get better than that!

Oh, and one more thing... the rights!

Is this PLR? No, you don't have the ability to modify the report, but you can resell it for whatever price you want, including giving it away as a lead gen.

And instead of charging:





It's only...

Send Me My Product!


The future is ALWAYS in motion!

... Make sure to profit as much as possible... starting *today*.

It only makes sense to do this for both the peace of mind and best bottom line you can achieve..

Get this TODAY!

-- Barb Ling and Dennis Becker

ps - You might be considering not acting on this offer now. We strongly suggest you take action because the price already increases with every sale...

... and where will you be if you do not? Still spinning your wheels, still not moving from the same place. This powerful solution will deliver to you quality material you can use for your future profits... go with your gut and invest today!

Oh, and one more thing... the rights!

Is this PLR? No, you don't have the ability to modify the report, but you can resell it for whatever price you want, including giving it away as a lead gen.

With that out of the way, begin your adventure by clicking on the buy button below!

Send Me My Product!

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